Ouray Brewery
We may be a restaurant, but we're a brewery at heart.
Ouray Brewery might offer some of the best food and ambiance for any restaurant in Ouray, however it's our beers, made completely in house with love and care, that truly set us apart. Ouray Brewing Company’s Camp Bird Blonde Ale was the recipient of the Judges Award for Best Lighter/Summer Beer at the 14th annual 2012 San Juan Brewfest in Durango, CO.

Portland Porter
This is Robust Porter made in the traditional style, using an Ale yeast and Brown malt rather than the Roasted Barley some modern Porters are made with. It is a little gentler on the pal- ette than a Stout. Smooth and rich with subtle flavors of dark chocolate and gentle caramel. No hop aroma or bitterness are present in this beer when it is properly aged.
- Malt: Two Row Pale (USA), Munich (Germany), Brown (UK) Chocolate (Chile) Special B (UK), Crystal 160 (UK) Dextrin (USA)
- Kettle Hops: Northern Brewer, Willamette (Pacific Northwest)
- Yeast: American Ale Yeast

Stormy's Imperial Stout
This is a very rich, dark, and malty stout with an 8% alcohol content. It is brewed with a large amount of hops in the kettle. The hop bitterness fades in the conditioning process and balances out the sweetness of this beer that is made with more malt sugars than most. This beer has no hop bitterness or aroma by the time it comes to tap.

Kayle's Scottish Ale
This beer fits into the “light” Scottish category but it is very dark in color and rich in flavor. This is a very flavorful, delicious beer with mild flavors of dark chocolate and dried fruit such as raisin or currants.
- Malts: Two Row Pale (USA), Special B (UK), White Wheat (USA), Crystal 120 (UK), Roast Barley (UK)
- Kettle Hops: Cascade, Northern Brewer (Pacific Northwest)

Desperado Imperial Red
This specialty beer is a deep red in color and has an 8 percent alcohol content by volume. It has a heavy body and a medium hop aroma that comes from the distinctly tropically fruity Eldorado hop. This beer is brewed with more varieties of malt than any other we produce. The resulting complex flavor is very rich with smooth caramel flavors and hints of darker dried fruits. There is a mild hop bitterness detected in this beer.
- Malts: Two Row Pale (USA), Munich (Germany), CaraMunich Type 2 (Germany), Crystal 77, Crystal 60 and Crystal 120 (UK), Rolled Oats (USA), Chocolate Malt (Chile), Melanoidin Malt (Germany)

Box Canyon Brown
A rich, mild beer with subtle flavors. This is an English Style Brown Ale. That means hop flavors and aromas are barely noticeable in the beer and the primary flavor comes from the malt. Flavors in the beer are rich with hints of nuttiness, chocolate, and very mild coffee or caramel. The brown is car- bonated more gently than some of our other beers to meet it’s style requirements. Flavors become richer as the beer warms. A good beer for sipping slowly. This beer advanced to the medal round of Judging at the Great American Beer Festival in 2014 but did not win us an award (yet).
- Malts: Two Row Pale Malt (USA), Pilsner Malt (USA), Brown Malt (UK), Caramel Malt (UK), White Wheat (USA), Dextrin Malt (USA, and Roasted Barley (UK)
- Kettle Hops: Northern Brewer and Willamette (from the Pacific North-West)
- Yeast: American Ale Yeast.

Camp Bird Blonde
This is a mild beer with very simple flavors. Good for customers who are looking for a light and easy drinking beer without strong flavors of any kind. Some may detect a slight biscuity flavor on the finish. Customers will taste no hop bitterness in this beer which has a very mild aroma.
- Malts: Pilsner Malt (USA), Munich Malt (UK), and White Wheat (USA) Kettle Hops: Cascade, Perle (Pacific North-West)
- Yeast: American Ale Yeast

550 Red Ale
Our Red Ale is rich in flavor with little to no bitterness or aroma from hops. (Closest in the style categories to an Irish Red) It is darker in color than some reds because of the roasted caramel malt we use in the brewing process but, considering the flavor profile, still falls in the medium body category. It has a lot of body and caramel flavor with very subtle hints of dried fruit flavors, like currant or dark cherry. There is no fruit in this beer, the flavor comes from the malts and can be detected more in the beer as it ages. This beer has a very complex blend of specialty grains that give it full flavor. A good choice for customers looking for a flavorful beer that is not bitter.
- Malts: Two Row Pale Malt (USA), Munich (UK), Crystals 60 and 120 (UK), White Wheat (USA), Rye (Germany), Roasted Barley (UK), Dextrine (USA)
- Kettle Hops: Magnum, Perle, Northern Brewer (Pacific Northwest)
- Yeast: American Ale Yeast

San Juan IPA
A very simple IPA with a crisp flavor. It is made with some Crystal Malts to add body and balance the bite created by the large amount of bittering, flavor and aroma hops we use in the kettle when making this beer. This beer has strong hop flavor but is not too bitter to be considered a well-balanced IPA. We dry hop this beer in the fermenter with a pound per barrel (31 US Gallons) of hops to give it a strong hop aroma.
- Malts: Two Row Pale (USA), Crystal 45 (UK), Dextrin (USA)
- Kettle Hops: Columbus, Thor, Zeus, Centennial (Pacific Northwest), Chinook (Paonia, CO)
- Dry Hops: Centennial, Chinook, Simcoes
- Yeast: San Diego Super Ale Yeast

Batch One IPA
The name refers to the first batch of IPA we made in our new brewing facility in March of 2015. This beer has a simple grain bill and a complex series of hop additions in the kettle that really bring out the interesting hop flavors. Hop aromas and flavors may seem piney or citrus to the drinker. IBU rating on this beer is 88.
- Malts:Two Row Pale(USA), Crystal 45 (UK), Dextrin (USA) Kettle Hops: Amarillo, Centennial, Simcoe (Pacific Northwest)
- Dry Hops:Simcoes, Amarillo (Pacific Northwest)
- Yeast:American Ale Yeast

Honey Rye
The rye malt used in this beer will create a sharp flavor on it’s own but, when combined with other malts and five pounds of clover honey in the kettle, the rye becomes more of an aroma than a strong flavor in this beer. This beer is mild in flavor but has a strong body. Mild to me- dium hop bitterness and very little hop aroma are present in this beer.
- Malts: Two Row Pale (USA), Rye (Germany), Dextrin (USA), Crystals 60 and 120 (UK), Rolled Oats (USA)
- Kettle Hops: Northern Brewer, Simcoe, Golding
- Yeast:American Ale Yeast

Summer Saison
This is a traditional beer made with much care. Lemon zest, tangerine juice, and Grains of Para- dise, all prepared by hand from fresh ingredients, are added to the boil on our brew day. A small amount of lavender flowers are added to the conditioning tank to provide just the right amount of floral aroma. The distinct aroma (some may perceive as floral, some as clove) comes not from the ingredients in this beer but from the Belgian Farmhouse yeast strain we use to ferment it. This beer is crisp and refreshing. No hop bitterness or aroma is present. Perfect for summer.

Silvershield Stout
This is a classic stout. It is given a longer conditioning period than most of our beers as it’s flavor gets better with time. Roasted malts used in producing this beer will create subtle fla- vors similar to coffee or chocolate. Oats used in the making of this beer will give it a smooth mouthfeel. No hop bitterness or aroma are present in the beer.

Bluegrass Pale Ale
An American Style Pale Ale that has a lot of hop aroma but a medium hop bitterness flavor. This is a very simple and deliciously crisp beer made with a large amount of regional Chinook hops grown in Paonia, Colorado. Less bitter than an IPA, but just as pleasing to hoppy beer lovers.
Banner photo at top of page by Matt McCannel